'Where's Our Navy?' UK Fishermen Demand Action As 'French Warship Blocks Our Waters' express.co.uk
Last week violent clashes erupted between French and British fishermen over a fisheries dispute. British fishermen accused the French of attacking them in a row over dredging for scallops in the waters off the estuary of the Seine in the English Channel. Talks between both the French and British and industry was set to take place on Wednesday to resolve the dispute.
France’s agricultural minister warned that the French Navy was willing to step in to stop clashes, but British fishermen have claimed this has stopped them from accessing scallop areas. Fishing for Leave asked: “Will Theresa May send the Royal Navy to barricade the armada of French boats which take 60 percent of the fish in UK waters from up to within six nautical miles off all around our coast?
“We've been deprived of our own waters and resources yet the French kick off when six UK boats try to fish their waters as they do ours. “It would seem the French and EU want equal access where they are more equal than others! “Through actions like this, the French and EU are sticking two fingers up our establishment's nose.”
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